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Careers and Destinations

In 2024, 100% of our Year 11 pupils progressed into Further Education, including South Devon College, Bicton College and Eat That Frog.

Our Careers Team 

The Careers Leader at Brunel School is Helen Raddon.  

Helen can be contacted for further information about the careers programme at Brunel School using the details below: 


T: 01803 665522 

We work closely with Careers South West as part of our careers programme. Our advisor is Darren Baker and he can be contacted using the details below:


Careers Guidance at Brunel School 

Brunel School seeks to maximise the life chances of all our young people, in line with our core value of aspiration. We recognise that it is crucial to prepare young people for life beyond school and college. We seek to unleash greatness through high aspirations for our pupils, so they leave us prepared for life in modern Britain and the wider world. We work to instil belief in our pupils so they can progress and succeed in education, training and employment.

Careers Programme 

Careers Programme Details of our careers programme for the current academic year can be viewed in the pdf below. Our careers programme is reviewed and updated annually to reflect best practice and to respond to the needs of our pupils. Our careers policy can be found by visiting the policies page of our website.

Building Our Futures

The Building Our Futures programme encompasses all elements of the careers information, education, advice and guidance available to our students during their time at Brunel School. The programme booklet below provides every student with key information as well as a space to record and keep the outcomes of the careers activities they participate in.

Measuring Impact

The school assesses the impact of its careers programme on pupils by completing an annual pupil survey and analysing pupil engagement with the activities they have undertaken as part of their careers education. The views of pupils will be surveyed at key points during the year as part of Advocacy Week. We work in partnership with our careers hub, Heart of the South West, to review our progress against the annual careers action plan on a half termly basis. Our analysis is supported through use of Morrisby Careers and Morrisby Tracker.

FE/Training Provider Access

Brunel School believes in giving FE, HE and training providers the opportunity to talk to pupils at the school. Details can be found in our Provider Access Policy.

Matrix Standard  

The Matrix Standard is the Department for Education’s (DfE) standard for ensuring the quality of the delivery of high-quality information, advice and guidance. Brunel School undertook the matrix quality standard assessment for information advice and guidance services and has demonstrated that it meets all criteria of the matrix standard, with a clear focus on support provided to individuals to progress towards their academic and career goals.

Useful Information  

The following websites may be of interest to pupils and parents:

Student Padlet - Student Padlet has up to date information about post-16 options, pathways and opportunities. Please contact our careers lead (as above) for further details.

National Careers Service - a comprehensive careers website with job profiles, outlining: the skills required, main tasks, pay levels and career prospects for hundreds of different jobs. There is also guidance on the different stages in getting a job.

Amazing Apprenticeships - A website with up to date information about what an apprenticeship is, whether it is right for you, how they work and how to go about getting one. Lots of information and support for pupils and parents/carers if this is an area of interest.

Career Pilot - Comprehensive information about the jobs market in the South West. Contains information on the main employment sectors, job salaries, relevant subject areas, top employers and types of apprenticeships.

Icould - A site with lots of helpful videos covering a wide range of job roles. Real people tell their stories to help you understand different jobs and how to build your career.

South Devon College - South Devon College is a key provider for post-16 education and training in Torbay. This site has information about the wide range of courses available, entry requirements and details of how to apply. Open days are held throughout the year, with details on the site